Loving God ~ Living Compassion |
Safety Protocols for Worship
There's still been room in person before we hit the max allowing for 6 feet! Please review the guidelines below, and arrive a little early.
What to Expect
Before coming to church, please do a self-check to make sure you do not have a fever or symptoms of illness. If you do, make sure to stay home.
Capacity will be limited, but we will continue to livestream on our Facebook page, so if we are getting too many people, you may be asked to return home to participate via the web.
When you arrive at the church for a hybrid service, it will be very different from our typical services. There will be two entrances open for use. The entrance from the parking lot side is for folks with mobility challenges only. The main entrance is on the Pine St. side. You will find ushers at both entrances waiting to greet you and help you to understand how to proceed. Tape lines every six feet will help you to identify where to stand if there is a group of folks waiting. Ushers will be recording who is present along with a phone number to give to the county in case there is a positive case of COVID 19 identified with anyone who attends a service. This will be kept for at least two weeks for contract tracing by the county.
Your usher will show you where to be seated to ensure that six foot spacing is kept between households and/or social units. Please pay attention to instructions for entering and exiting the sanctuary. Tape arrows on the floor will be there to help direct you.
Please wear a mask at all times over both your nose and mouth. We will have some masks available for people who do not bring one.
The sanctuary, restrooms, and high touch surfaces will be disinfected between services. Only one household is allowed in the restroom at a time. Please use the disinfecting wipes on high touch surfaces in the restroom after use. Hand sanitizer will be available for use in the pews.
Children will stay with their parents during the service. Coloring pages and crayons with a disinfected clipboard will be available.
Music will remain prerecorded and be projected on the monitor until it is safer for singing. Quiet singing with masks on is allowed for people in the sanctuary. Please do not project your voice as it can make droplets travel.
Communion elements will be available as you enter on the first Sunday of the month. The person preparing them will use a disinfected area in the kitchen, wear a mask and gloves, and put the elements in clean, recyclable containers. Please put the empty containers in the collection can as you exit.
An offering collection container will be available inside the entrance of the sanctuary on the Pine St. side as well as in the chapel for your convenience. You are also welcome to continue using the online or mail in options. Thank you for continuing your faithful and generous giving.